Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How Are You All Doing?

We have been in touch with all of our clients, in some capacity over the last couple of months and apart from a few personal issues (not Covid-related), most seem to be in relatively good spirits. Some had to quarantine (some had to quarantine more than once) upon returning from travel or warmer climates. Paul has been able to go into the office, Bianca (sans daycare) and I have hunkered down in our home offices.

We have spent time balancing and re-balancing as market swings have dictated that we should. I have not received anything other than positive feedback. Most client experiences contained limited exposure to some of the potential bigger swings in portfolio value (avoidance of REIT's and preferred shares certainly helped).

Our success in keeping big volatility out has been partly responsible for new clients coming on board. As well, our new clients are joining us because they are frustrated by a "one size fits all" investment portfolio. Concerned that they do not have a tailored strategy, tired of over-paying and worried about advisor conflicts of interest (gathering assets for commissions, rather than providing quality service). As it turns out, the stewardship that we provide gives people some comfort that we know what their goals are and that we can work diligently and carefully to getting them to them.

I am encouraged when I talk to our 20 and 30 something clients, they seem to be developing long-term perspectives and continue to add to their savings and that has been timely for them.

As for me, a little less commuting has turned into a more rigorous exercise regimen (including yoga) and I have shed a bunch of unwanted pounds. Not yet at the point where I could participate in "kilted" yoga (that is never likely to happen), but enough so that I feel a little mentally sharper, despite the lock-down.

To all of our clients who are out on the front lines (you know who you are!), a huge thank you. To any of our clients who just want to chat, you know where to reach me and to anyone who might like a different kind of investing and wealth management experience, we are happy to open up discussions.

To everyone, stay safe and stay healthy. There may be more Covid-19 to come, but being prepared is paramount. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

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