Sunday, March 22, 2020

We Will Get To The Other Side Of This

By nature, I am a cautiously optimistic person. History tells us that the best leadership rises in times of adversity and all the people who come together to battle this adversity (Coronavirus / Covid 19 and the fall-out) will ultimately prevail. There will always be skeptics, but by and large there will be more of those of us whose common strength will become greater than the challenges we face and we will all be better for it.

My football coach (many years ago) believed that "the best offense was a good defense". That always stuck with me. I think it is an important part of my psychological profile and why I believe that gambling has no place in investing. I never had time for the news and business reporting that announced each trading day as a "winning" or "losing" day on Bay and /or Wall Streets. Investing is not a game. Investing is a long-term strategy of building wealth by purchasing assets that grow in value and / or provide an income stream.

Our long-term focus (at High Rock) will see us through the current crisis. We need to be willing to accept that there will be (and there already has been) a significant amount of financial market volatility. But we shall get through it. We will get to the other side of it.

Importantly, now we need to focus on what matters most: family and friends and especially those who are in greater need than we are. And don't forget to thank those folks that we encounter who are on the front lines: medical professionals, caregivers and workers, grocery store and pharmacy employees, even the politicians and government administrators who are working tirelessly to try to soften the economic blow.

We will all be asked to make some sacrifices for the common good: we have clients who traveled to Singapore and Vietnam on a pre-planned vacation and returned to have to self-isolate for the required two weeks at the end of which they started a drive south to Florida only to have to turn around when it was announced that the borders were closing and endure another period of self-isolation when they returned. We have others who have had to cut their normal time in warmer climates short and some who have chosen to hunker down where they are.

We have remote technology at High Rock, so we are still able to serve all of our clients despite being in "lock-down mode". We understand the needs of parents with school-age and younger children who have no options but to be at home with their kids and also try to work as well. Our CFP Bianca finds herself in in that situation.

We will all have challenges, but if we come together, as a society, as human beings, in a time that we need to come together, we will also find some common solutions to our challenges and this will help us all move forward. I heard two words today that resonated: kindness and courage!

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong.

And maybe check out Yoga with Adriene to help get you through the long days of being home. Definitely works for me!

We look forward to seeing you on the other side!

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