Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A New World Order May Be Emerging
But Who Will Be In Control?

Theresa May wants a "clean" break and a new comprehensive, bold and ambitious free trade agreement for the UK.

China's Xi Jinping says that "Countries should view their own interest in the broader context and refrain from pursuing their own interests at the expense of others.

Donald Trump appears to want to cozy up to Vladimir Putin (maybe it is a case of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"?).

Meanwhile, Europe (Germany being the main benefactor of the EU) is struggling to stay together.

Canada and Mexico are watching and waiting.

There could be tectonic shifts about to happen, so it is more important than ever to have a flexible portfolio strategy, especially when equity markets (lead by the S&P 500) appear to be at full value.

We will talk about this, and other financial market and global economic developments and how this impacts our client's wealth management strategies today on our weekly webinar.
Please feel free to tune in to the recorded version which we will publish on our website at or about 5pm today:

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