Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Be Bold For Change

Friends, when I read things about the "gender parity gap" not closing until 2186, I am aghast. None of us will live to see that date. It is just not correct.

We all have to do what we can and it is not just to pay it "lip service".

I spent the weekend with a good friend who is in a job where her credentials should give her equal pay with a male colleague who has similar credentials. However, she is paid less. How is that fair?

It is not.

So I ask you all to visit the website and take it upon yourselves to do whatever it is you can to help close the gap.

So let's use today to celebrate women and their contributions to the diversity of thought and action that they bring to the table and ensure that those contributions are rewarded and recognized with fairness and equality. 

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