Thursday, December 10, 2015


I have been writing this blog for close to a year now.

The original purpose was to try and give you, the reader, some sense of my / our thinking in terms of the global economy, financial markets and wealth management issues that I felt were worth discussing.

From time to time I get emails asking specific questions that help me direct my topic selection, which are very much appreciated, especially on the days where I sit at the keyboard fumbling for something pertinent to say.

There is always something to write about, but I try to offer up some alternatives to mainstream thinking. It is easy to parrot the headlines, but more often than not, if it is front page news, it is yesterday's news and I would rather be more forward thinking, if I can.

When it comes to financial markets, most everyone involved will be better off if they move higher (in price). The industry has a vested interest in  optimism so most advisors are likely to talk positively about "opportunities".

It is why December is (historically) usually the best month for equity markets: most portfolio managers will be judged at year end as to how they performed, so in times of declining liquidity it is easier to move the market higher with a little late year buying. Hence the term "Santa Clause Rally". 

Hopefully this blog helps to get behind the "myths" and helps bring a broader understanding of what truly matters in the longer term. What motivates short-term trading is more psychological and driven by less logical reasoning.

This is where I ask you for your help!

 I would love to get your feedback. If there are any topics for discussion that you would like me to cover here, please feel free to let me know (and any other commentary that you may have: what you like and don't like).

There is no such thing as a stupid question!
(and of course, your confidentiality will always be completely respected).

On another note, if you would like to receive this blog directly into your email, please email

and she will add you to the list.

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